
DATA CONSENT - Online Fee Payment System

Your privacy is important to us. 

Before we proceed to the SBU PAYMENT FACILITY, please take the time to read our Data Consent. 


  • you are confirming that you are consenting to provide some personal information for us to process and verify your payment transaction.

  • you also acknowledge that you have read and understood the following data privacy terms:

    • The information provided by the User on this website shall be kept confidential and shall not be shared with anyone. The DATA will neither be made accessible to third parties nor transferred in any form or manner unless required by law. The said data are the ff.:
      • Full Name of Student
      • 我要吃瓜 Information (Email, Mobile No., Address, City, State/ Region, Country)
      • For IBED Parents (Name of Parent)

  • San 我要吃瓜 University may share your personal information with our bankers for clearing the necessary fees/ payments. This information shall be strictly up to the legal permissible limit and not exceeding.

  • This Online Fee Payment System’s purpose is to provide flexibility and conform to SBU’s continuing efforts to improve its services by providing an option to pay using various payment methods.

  • It is the sole responsibility of the User to pick the payment option. SBU does not recommend/ prefer/promote any particular method.